The roll-out of connected vehicles and floating car data will considerably change intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and their role in mobility.
In this respect, MOB04 looks at digital spaces for mobility as a whole and, more particularly, at modelling journeys, interoperability between systems and Local Dynamic Maps.
In the long term, this will enable the implementation of multi-modal transport services integrating the private car into a more global offering.
Research themes
- Data analysis: statistical learning for traffic diagnosis and forecasting
- Signal processing: crossroads image processing
- Interoperability of data systems and structures: automatic alignment of transport data structure
- Connected objects: autonomous, wireless, low-energy sensors to monitor infrastructures and for vehicle-infrastructure communication
Project description
The project focuses on three main activities:
- Analysis, forecasting and managing mobility
- forecasting the level of traffic flow and parking space availability
- detecting events (roadworks, accidents, congestion)
- Local Dynamic Map
- collaborative infrastructure map (traffic lights, pedestrian crossings, etc.)
- detecting pedestrians at crossroads
- standardising formats and distribution of the local dynamic map to vehicles and between vehicles
- Mobility services
- standardising the smartphone/on-board navigation interface to ensure the continuity of mobility services
- vehicle-vehicle connection to share guidance information
Future prospects
Each of these actions addresses a dual scientific and applicative objective and will result in publications and experiments to be conducted throughout the project.