Presentation of the MOOVE project at the Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium in Stuttgart

Last June 6th, Gildas THIOLON, Engineer Data Scientist in VEDECOM, presented the MOOVE project at the Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium in Stuttgart

Knowledge of the real world driving environment involving manually driving cars is fundamental, allowing detailed identification of safety issues encountered by autonomous cars in similar complex situations.
MOOVE project has been created to obtain this knowledge through real-world data acquisition and critical situation identification and analysis.

Details the context and the developed methodology applied to the collected data
– Explains the data modeling applied to build the database
– Identifies the role of crucial variables in the model of Ego vehicle’s environment, for extraction of real world driving scenarios

Analysis of Safety critical scenarios will improved robustness of the autonomous vehicle architectures and systems being developed at the VEDECOM Institute.

Download the all presentation by clicking here

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