VEDECOM is very pleased to announce the defense of the thesis of Mohamed Ryad BOUKHARI

VEDECOM is very pleased to announce the defense of the thesis of Mohamed Ryad BOUKHAR on Tuesday 5, February 2019 at ESTACA Campus-SQY.

Michel BASSET, Professeur, Université de Haute-Alsace, Rapporteur
Mohamed CHADLI, Maitre de Conférence HDR, Université Jules Verne Picardie, Rapporteur
Frédéric KRATZ, Professeur, INSA Centre Val de Loire, Examinateur
Fethi BENOUZEDOU, Professeur, Université Paris-Saclay, Examinateur
Dominique GRUYER, Directeur de Recherche, IFSTTAR, Examinateur
Moussa BOUKHNIFER, Enseignant Chercheur HDR, ESTACA, Directeur de thèse
Ahmed CHAIBET, Enseignant Chercheur, ESTACA, Encadrant
Sébastien GLASER, Chercheur HDR, VEDECOM, University of Queensland, Encadrant

“Driverless vehicle offers several advantages: comfort, reduced stress, and reduced road mortality. Nevertheless, fatal accidents involving its responsibility, have highlighted its limitations and imperfections. These accidents raise questions about autonomous vehicle reliability, and voices expressed a strong concern for the safety of users of the autonomous vehicle. Furthermore, the tasks of perception and localization of autonomous vehicles may have inconsistencies leading to errors that would affect the stability of the vehicle. The sources of these inconsistencies can be of different natures and act both on the sensor itself (Hardware), or on the post-processing of information (Software). In this context, several difficulties must be overcome to secure the interaction of automated driving systems with human drivers facing these problems, the adoption of a fault-tolerant control strategy is paramount. In this thesis, a fault detection and fault tolerant control strategies for perception and localization are implemented. In addition, fault estimation strategies for proprioceptive sensors are also proposed. The purpose is to have a reliable fault localization and ensure acceptable performance. Moreover, given the unpredictability and variety of road scenes, a fault-tolerant fusion based on voting algorithms is developed for a better perception. The fusion takes advantage of current obstacle detection technologies (radio, light beam or camera detection) and the voting algorithm provides an output that is closest to reality. Tests with real data from a demonstrator vehicle are used to validate the approaches proposed in this thesis.”

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