
Thesis: Vehicle-to-vehicle fast charging from a shared vehicle fleet
23 Jun, 2022
Yacine SEHIMI, Researcher PhD Candidate, will submit his thesis on 7 July 2022 at 2 PM on "the design of a vehicle-to-vehicle fast charging network and infrastructure based on a shared vehicle fleet". Sharing would limit the impact of recharging on the grid at times...

Thesis: Vehicle-to-vehicle fast charging from a shared vehicle fleet

The results of the French test site of the 5G-MOBIX project in video

5G benefits for automated vehicles: first lessons learned by 5G-MOBIX French trial site

Inductive charging for electric vehicles while driving: a major ecological challenge

Thesis Defense : Transformateur à air pour un convertisseur dc-dc bidirectionnel haute densité de puissance et haute fréquence pour l’application automobile

European 5G-MOBIX Project French site Demonstration and Seminar

Second Edition of the VEDECOM & MACIF Autonomous Vehicle Barometer
Three out of four French people are in favor of the autonomous vehicle, which could play a decisive role in rural areas. The second edition of the VEDECOM & MACIF barometer on the acceptability of the autonomous vehicle by the French reveals that 73% of them have a positive attitude towards this means of transportation: an increase of 3 percentage points compared to 2020 (equivalent to about 2 million of the French population). In 2020, the French had a positive perception of the automated vehicle, given that it’s introduced in a context of environmental preservation and improvement of inclusive mobility. With the growth of autonomous mobility experiments on the French territory, has the perception of the French changed in 2021? Do they see themselves using it regularly, everywhere and for everyone? What do they expect from it?

VEDECOM incorporates the activities of its subsidiary VEDECOM Tech
An R&D institute and partnership foundation, VEDECOM manages public-private partnership research projects in the field of sustainable mobility, supporting French industrial sectors. To overcome the health and economic crisis, VEDECOM has decided to go back to its core activity in 2021. This action has led to the reintegration of VEDECOM Tech subsidiary.

Happy New Year 2022!
Happy New Year from VEDECOM ! Forging the path together for future mobility…

The Electromobility players get together to ensure a successful deployment of the new charging services
The Mobena project was launched in September 2021 for two years. It brings together players from all the electric mobility value chain in France. Its aims to support the e-mobility companies in ensuring a successful deployment of the new generation of electric vehicle charging solutions. These solutions will simplify the user experience and improve the quality of service.

E-mobility: a successfull demonstration of the Certificate Trust List for Plug & Charge interoperability

France, a window to the future of European mobility

The Mobena initiative accelerates the roll-out of new generation e-Mobility

“Machine Learning for the distributed and dynamic management of a fleet of autonomous taxis and shuttles”

Autonomous vehicle: first platooning demonstration in an interoperable military convoy

Autonomous vehicle: first follow-up demonstration in an interoperable military convoy

Best wishes for 2021

Reinforcing road safety by increasing perception of automated vehicles

VEDECOM-CNES Partnership : When connected and automated vehicle watches space

VEDECOM & MACIF barometer : 1st edition Are the French people ready to accept the autonomous vehicle in their daily life?

French industry has engaged in a collective Initiative for New-Generation Electric Charging

Back to school… time to learn: VEDECOM launches MobTips, the first digital mapping of new mobility in France

From pedestrian to autonomous vehicle… A public survey is on line!

With 5GMED project, VEDECOM will coordinate tests on automated vehicles based on IA

France prepares to introduce New-Generation Electric Mobility

In partnership with the CNES and Matrice, VEDECOM presents Epleï, the innovative solution from the Smart Mobilities Lab

The French Government will mobilise 21 million euros to advance sustainable mobility

VEDECOM Tech is launching M’OBS, the first rating agency for new mobility solutions in France

The 16 IRTs and ITEs combine forces within the FIT association: Philippe Watteau – Managing Director of the VEDECOM ITE – takes his place on the new bureau
At its general meeting held on 29 April 2020, the FIT (French Institutes of Technology) association approved a change to its articles of association enabling it to welcome the 8 ITEs (Energy Transition Institutes) as members alongside the 8 IRTs (Technology Research Institutes).

The best delivery robots selected by VEDECOM’S new Mobility Camp site!
In these times of lockdown, VEDECOM’s launch of its new Mobility Camp site is well timed, as it offers information about the best teaching resources for new mobility methods. The goal: to imagine a post-coronavirus world which places a strong emphasis on innovative, sustainable mobility methods. And the icing on the cake: if you’re a player in this field, you can contribute your own content to it!

Final conference for the European CoExist project held in video conference format
The final conference for the European CoExist project was held on 25 and 26 March 2020. Originally intended to take place in Milton Keynes, one of the project’s partner towns, the Covid-19 crisis ultimately forced it to be conducted in video conference form instead.

Tony Jaux, the vice president of the PSA Group, takes up his role as the new president of VEDECOM

Supporting the climate together!
Fraîchement labellisé LUCIE 26000, l’Institut VEDECOM a saisi l’occasion de sa journée interne annuelle pour rassembler l’ensemble de ses collaborateurs autour d’une activité de sensibilisation aux changements climatiques.

TECHINNOV: VEDECOM continues interactions with the Paris-Saclay start-up and innovation ecosystem
VEDECOM participait le 27 février 2020 à TECHINNOV, un événement de référence dans le domaine de l’innovation.

Coronavirus: VEDECOM remains mobilised
Face à l’évolution de la situation sanitaire en France et pour contribuer à l’effort collectif de lutte contre l’épidémie de Coronavirus Covid-19, VEDECOM et sa filiale VEDECOM Tech ont pris toutes les mesures de prévention et de maintien d’activité qu’il était possible de mettre en œuvre.

VEDECOM is launching Mobility Camp: the website dedicated to teaching new forms of mobility
VEDECOM lance MOBILITY CAMP, le premier site web dédié aux dispositifs pédagogiques sur les nouvelles mobilités.

“The role of acceptability in the interaction between a conventional and an automated vehicle”: thesis defence by Géraldine Van Der Beken
VEDECOM a le plaisir de vous annoncer que Géraldine Van Der Beken a soutenu avec succès sa thèse intitulée « Rôle de l’acceptabilité dans l’interaction entre un véhicule conventionnel et un véhicule automatisé ».

Weakly supervised learning in the context of autonomous vehicle perception : Florent Chiaroni defended his thesis

AUTOPILOT final event : the IoT is pushing the self-driving vehicle towards new types of mobility services

Mobile Hyperplaces: mobile activities for new forms of urbanity

Commitment to CSR: VEDECOM Institute receives the LUCIE 26000 label!

2019 – Acceptance levels for self-driving vehicles: a report from VEDECOM

VEDECOM’s self-driving shuttles are one year old

VEDECOM at the controls of the ‘Autonomous Mobility’ area at ALD’s BlueFleet Day

“Modelling patterns of individual mobility”: Mehdi Katranji defends his thesis

Demonstration of VEDECOM autonomous shuttles at Bercy
Portrait Ilango Thiagalingam

VEDECOM at the “Engineering Complex Preponderant Software Systems” seminar given by the DGA-TA

VEDECOM meets with local authorities at the Salon des Maires

SMIV: now in its fourth year and set for longevity
Marc Revilloud: autonomous vehicles, follow the line!

VEDECOM welcomes the 3rd International Workshop on Vehicular Adhoc Networks for Smart Cities (IWVSC’2019)

mobiLAB welcomes a Chinese delegation as part of the RTS conference
Natacha Métayer, eye tracking in her line of sight

For a clearer overview of the burgeoning world of new mobility solutions, the VEDECOM Institute is introducing M’OBS by VEDECOM Tech

VEDECOM presents ‘Marque ta Route’ (mark your road), a software programme that maintains road markings

VEDECOM presents VEDETECT, a tool for analysing mobility flows in real time, helping to make the era of flexible transport a reality.

VEDECOM at the Autonomy Exhibition: solutions to accompany the deployment of new mobility
Pari réussi pour les trois offres de VEDECOM présentées sur le stand de l’Institut au Salon Autonomy & the Urban Mobility Summit ! L’événement, qui se tenait du 16 au 17 octobre dernier à la Grande Halle de La Villette à Paris, a permis de confirmer la pertinence des offres de l’Institut au sein de l’écosystème de la mobilité. Que ce soit pour Mobilitips, Entropy ou M’OBS by VEDECOM Tech, le bilan est positif et les retours très encourageants. Retour sur cette journée riche en rencontres !

Participate in the SMIV Conference, the annual meeting organised by VEDECOM Institute with its international academic parners !

VEDECOM, official partner of the Grand Prix ACF2020

PhD Students’ Day 2019: full marks for the researchers!
VEDECOM at the 2019 IRT & ITE Forum: Coming together and creating synergy

‘Legal Aspects of Autonomous Vehicles’ certificate recognised by France Mobilités
Le parcours CESU « Aspects juridiques des véhicules autonomes », porté conjointement par VEDECOM et Aix-Marseille Université, a été labellisé par la plateforme France Mobilités.

Nearly 700 children came to play and learn about mobility with VEDECOM!

VEDECOM is very pleased to announce the defense of the thesis of Laurène CLAUSSMANN

ITE VEDECOM Is Ready for the First Forum of IRTs and ITEs!

Come along to discover the innovative VEDECOM mobility solutions at the Autonomy & The Urban Mobility Summit

PROJECT HISTORY – Paving the way for hybrid, secure and cooperative communications

MOOVE : making autonomous driving safer thanks to driving data collection

Learning about mobility… the earlier the better!

VEDECOM V2X units and MOOVE project honoured at TEQMO site inauguration

VEDECOM unveils key results on automated vehicle obtained as part of the AutoMate project

VEDECOM is exporting its know-how to Australia : a level 4 connected and automated vehicle delivered

VEDECOM represented for the first time at the Movin’On Summit

Another VEDECOM demonstration of self-driving vehicles at the Intelligent Vehicle Symposium

VEDECOM is the Frontrunner in Innovative Recharging Systems at EVS32

Inauguration of the Paris-Saclay Autonomous Lab

The inauguration of Paris-Saclay Autonomous Lab at Spring: a full-scale test of autonomous mobility services connected to infrastructure

VEDECOM is attending EVS32, the leading international scientific conference on vehicle electrification

VEDECOM showcases an Autonomous Shuttle at the First Architecture and Landscaping Biennale

AUTOPILOT project: Stakeholders come together to reflect on economic models associated with services tested at the Versailles pilot site

Fifty Emerging Mobility Offers Under the Microscope

Entropy, a premier start-up resulting from the VEDECOM Institute’s work on the analysis of mobility manager’s needs through artificial intelligence

VEDECOM celebrates its fifth anniversary by putting its researchers in the limelight

RATP Group becomes a VEDECOM member to speed up innovation in autonomous mobility and connected roads

Testing and validating Connected and Automated Driving functions : VEDECOM, partner of the European project HEADSTART

French-German-Luxembourgish cross-border test bed inauguration: VEDECOM presents the TRIICA project

Release : an in depth analysis to provide an initial assessment of the fitness of the law following the launch of autonomous vehicles

They make VEDECOM: Sylvie Thromas, Training Programme Director

The Cerema becomes a member of VEDECOM to assist the deployment of electric, connected and autonomous vehicles and related road enhancement schemes.

Release : a preliminary analysis of autonomous vehicles to avoid running off course

VEDECOM celebrates 5 years !

Rambouillet Territoires turns to Altaïr Mobilités

The first Open Innovation challenge at mobiLAB to accelerate mobility innovations
Mobile Hyperplace Project. Autonomous and connectected vehicles : what are the impacts on our mobility and the way we live tomorrow ?

VEDECOM is very pleased to announce the defense of the thesis of Mohamed Ryad BOUKHARI

Official opening of the mobiLAB, the new head office for VEDECOM

VEDECOM and BLUE2BGREEN become partners

CNES and VEDECOM sign partnership agreement

VEDECOM is very pleased to announce the defense of the thesis of Maxime REDONDIN
Press release
6 February 2020 – AUTOPILOT – Results and impacts
6 February 2020 – AUTOPILOT – Business exploitation
Previous Press Releases
15 may 2019 – Paris-Saclay Autonomous Lab : new autonomous, electric and shared mobility services
VEDECOM in 2018 at mobiLAB: Deep Tech promoting Sustainable Mobility
14 January 2019 – CNES and VEDECOM sign partnership agreement
15 January 2019 – VEDECOM and BLUE2BGREEN become partners
25 October 2018 – Philippe Watteau appointed Managing Director of the VEDECOM Institute
8 January 2018 – VEDECOM Precise Positioning Systems VEDECOM Institute presents ITS
15 december 2017 – VEDECOM Training Program
20 january 2016 – VEDECOM fusion IVM
24 november 2015 – VEDECOM COP21
15 october 2015 – VEDECOM Demonstration in Versailles
25 september 2015 – VEDECOM First demonstration: ITS Bordeaux
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